• Arts & Entertainment

How ‘Some Like It Hot’ Tunes In to the Jazz Age

From the set design to the wig styles, the Broadway musical creates a richly detailed…

  • Arts & Entertainment

An Artist With Roots in Nairobi and New York Imagines a New Destiny

With sculptures that blend evolutionary history and science fiction, Wangechi Mutu draws on her bicontinental…

  • Business & Finance

Bing (Yes, Bing) Just Made Search Interesting Again

Google has stiff competition now, after Microsoft integrated powerful A.I. technology into its search engine.…

  • Politics

Fact-Checking Biden’s State of the Union Address – NYTimes

The president’s speech contained no outright falsehoods, but at times omitted crucial context or exaggerated…

  • General

After Shouts of ‘Liar’ and Worse, Biden Takes on His Detractors in Real Time – NYTimes

WASHINGTON — President Biden was about midway through a speech of about 7,218 words on…